
Sites for autograph collection information:

This site is the best for updated fanmail adresses, success or fails, how to write and where to, what not and what to do. You can get a trial period or pay some $35 a year for a full membership.

A very good beginner's guide to autograph collecting. Many pages to go through but a lot of info that will get anyone get started.

Sites by autograph clubs and special interests:

Autogrammbörse Aktuell

German facebookpage about collecting autographs. Autogrammkarten are a big thing in Germany and every German celeb has their own cards to hand out. This is a perfect page to see what can be collected.

Sites by friends and fellow collectors:

Gustav Zomerschoe

My good friend Gustav has a vast collection. Follow him on facebook to see his successes. He's always willing to help anyone if asked nicely ;)